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Learn More about Chudography

Chudography started as a very practical concept, of helping people to support their bodies through Sports Massage and Yoga. Craniosacral Therapy changed my life, but also changed my intentions of what I wanted to share through my offerings. It changed how I approached people and how I worked with them. I evolved from ‘doing’ for other people, to understanding the deep connection between the mind and body, and a focus on sharing this knowledge for people to support themselves.

Core Intentions
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The Core Intentions

Chudography Guiding Principles


Stress, anxiety, anger, frustration and other ‘negative’ emotions inform the body that its safety is at risk of danger. Everyday moments such as an argument with your partner, worrying about paying for a bill or having a disrupted night sleep, triggers us to feel unsafe.  Without the ability and awareness to regulate our nervous systems, to bring it back to safety, we wind up walking around feeling unsafe and reacting to every moment as a treat to our existence. It’s draining and will affect your physical and emotional health.




The world is constantly spinning, and we are chasing it trying to meet the ever-increasing demands of it. We have lost our ability to relax and to disconnect. We feel guilty, we are made to feel guilty if we’re not doing. We’re rewarded for working hard, we wear our extreme efforts as a proud badge of honour, regardless of how it is making us feel. If you can’t give yourself permission to stop, let me. I give you permission for stillness. It’s from stillness that our deepest work and healing happens.  




We are hardwired for connection, to be part of a community, which brings us safety and support. We don’t have to agree with each other, we don’t have to like everything the same, or live in the same way, but we have enough mutual trust and respect, enough shared values, morals, and boundaries that we can co-exist with ease. At Chudography we invite you to arrive as you are, and we're here to join you and support you on your journey. 

Green Forest
'At first I was unsure about Craniosacral Therapy but after an initial consultation call with Kiran, I felt optimistic it would be able to help with the anxiety which arises from my busy career. I was apprehensive at my first appointment but was immediate put at ease with Kiran's calming approach. The session was wonderful, I felt energised, relaxed and ready to face anything that came my way. I will be making this a regular part of my self care routine and thoroughly recommend to anyone else struggling with anxiety. Thank you Kiran!'

RC, Kent

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